Why We Should Incorporate Green Tea In Our Lifestyle?

Various studies have shown us how tea can work against the risks of thrombosis, stroke and heart attacks. There are different ways tea could contribute to this. It should work as a gentle stimulant to our circulatory system and heart. Tea also contributes in making the walls of our blood vessel more flexible and soft. Tea also contains phenols that can reduce the absorption of cholesterol in our digestion system. Tea should decrease the tendency of the formation of unwanted clots or thrombi. We should know that there are different factors that can work together in causing heart attack or stroke to happen. As an example, stroke can happen when our blood vessels harden and lose their elasticity. Green tea contains a substance called rutin, which has an effect in ensuring softer blood vessel walls.

Green tea should also be able to prevent tooth decay, due to the presence of tannin, which is a type of natural polyphenols. It is able to reduce the plaque formation and the natural presence of fluoride in green tea should help in strengthening our tooth enamel. It means that decay can be prevented and tea should help in preventing cancer. Green tea seems to reduce the incidence of stomach cancer, probably due to its high level of antioxidant. The action of various cancer-causing substances can be reduced effectively. As an example, the action of a carcinogen, called nitrosamines can be blocked quite effectively. Based on tests on various types of tea, it appears that green tea has the highest blocking rate at 90 percent, compared to jasmine, oolong and black tea.

It is often said that green tea is a good source of vitamin C, but we know that vitamin C can be destroyed by excessive heat when we brew our tea. However, it appears that vitamin C in green tea is available in a more stabilized form. The amount of this vitamin could depend on how long the tea is stored, the age of picked leaves and the growing conditions. A cup of green tea is typically made from three grams of dry green tea leaves and we could get about 6mg of vitamin C. Nearly 90 percent of vitamin C is released to hot water after five minutes of infusion. Green tea also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin K, folic acid and niacin. The dominant mineral in green tea appears to be manganese, but it’s available in negligible amount.

Cancer is also caused by excessive cell mutation that happens inside our body due to various external factors. Green tea contains polyphenols that can easily inhibit DNA mutation in our healthy cells. It means that the formation of cancerous cells can be prevented. However, it is important to reduce the amount of green tea intake on pregnant women, because it will interfere with the effect of blood-thinning medication. It is also indicated that green tea may interfere with the ability of our body to absorb medicines. It should be very easy to incorporate green tea in our lifestyle and it will contribute in making us healthier.

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