Travel Tips: 5 Ways of Traveling in the USA

The USA is a huge country, and its transport infrastructure is well-developed. According to the World Economic Forum, the country ranks 16th in the world in terms of the quality of seaport infrastructure, 17th in the quality of railways, 18th in the level of air transport development and in terms of the quality of roads. Therefore, sometimes it creates difficulties when choosing the most convenient way of getting around the USA. The efficiency of transport depends heavily on where you are and where you need to go.

In order to make it easier for you to choose, let’s take a closer look at all the ways of transportation available in the USA at the moment…

  1. Airplane

The plane is best used for traveling long distances. In this case, you will save a lot of time and be able to appreciate the high level of equipment along with the comfort provided by US airlines. A large number of the local companies serve both international and domestic flights. About 15 thousand airports and airfields with solid and unpaved runways guarantee the delivery of passengers even to very small destinations.

Today, the airspace above the United States is one of the busiest on the planet. For residents of the country, air traveling is an integral part of their lives. The price of tickets is quite affordable, and with the help of connecting flights you can easily get to almost any spot of the country.

Such large airlines as American Airlines, Eastern Airlines, Northwest Orient, United, Delta Airlines, TWA, Continental Airlines, as well as many smaller companies have more than 270 thousand aircraft of various types. It’s hard to imagine how many passengers reach their goals thanks to them.


  1. Train

Actually, the railroad in the United States is not particularly popular. This is largely due to the high cost of tickets, which is almost the same as on airplanes. Railway passenger traffic increases only when airports are overloaded, or during times of a sharp rise in gas prices.

Despite this fact, the network of railway communication in the United States is simply huge, and the overall length of the railway is the largest in the world. Some routes pass through such picturesque places that they can only be seen from the window of the railway carriage, and this is a great advantage of this way of traveling.

In fact, it’s very comfortable to travel in the American trains. Coupes have everything you expect for long journeys. Even second-class carriages are equipped with all the comforts you might need.


  1. Bus

The bus is the most affordable and cheapest means of transportation in America. In addition, there are plenty of positive points. Comfortable vehicles are fully equipped for a long stay of passengers. Some trips last up to three days, and travelers have to spend the night in the cabin. Therefore, most of the buses have large luggage compartment, wide comfortable chairs, Wi-Fi, TVs, toilets, and air conditioning.

Many bus companies provide uninterrupted transport to all comers. Tickets can be purchased both at the box office, and by telephone or Internet. The sooner you buy a ticket, the less it will cost.

The largest bus operators service trips throughout the country. Among them are:

Often they hold various promotions in which tickets for any route can be bought almost for $1, weekly or monthly travel tickets are sold with a significant discount. It’s noteworthy that the quality of service doesn’t change.

As you know, in most cases, regular buses work to transport voyagers and their luggage from the point of departure to the point of arrival. But in the United States there’s a bus company whose employees don’t really follow the schedule – its name is Green Tortoise. Knowing only the finish station, the drivers, along with the passengers, choose the route on their own and follow it, stopping at the places they liked. Such groups usually accompany the guide and cook, as the trip turns into an exciting excursion.


  1. Rental Car

Travels by rental cars are very affordable in America. The cheapness of gasoline and the presence of large car rental agencies throughout the country enable travelers to pick up a vehicle in one city and leave it in another. For example, if you want to start your trip to Texas, you can arrive at Austin Airport. Then take Enterprise rental car at Austin Airport, visit several major cities of the state, and go along the Mexican border to Los Angeles or Las Vegas. In this case, you can choose the route, speed, number and duration of stops on your own.

The history of car rental service in the USA has a hundred years. During this time, the industry has reached great heights, especially among tourists. Therefore, at almost every airport, railway or bus station there is a car rental point.

Anyone who has reached the age of 18 and has an international driving license can take advantage of car rental. Upon reaching 25 years in general, there are no restrictions on the choice of cars and other subtleties.

The largest car rental companies in the USA are:

Plus, there are many smaller agencies, providing the same great service.


  1. Other ways of traveling

The USA is a country of impressive size, and passenger traffic is just incredible there. Public transport in cities fully meets the needs of residents and travelers. A lot of taxis ready to drive up at any moment – you just have to raise your hand.

A great number of rivers, lakes, artificial canals and reservoirs suggest the presence of water means of transportation. However, this is mainly shipping. Ferries are in great demand – they deliver travelers along with their cars to the opposite bank of the reservoirs.

As you can see, you can get a lot of fun from traveling around the USA, if you plan a route well and choose the appropriate type of transport.

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