Importance of A Dependable Septic Tank Cleaner
The septic tank systems’ functions have a very important role in houses and communities. The septic systems are built-in wastewater treatment structures below the surface of the ground. It is most common in rural areas that have no centralized sewer systems. It is important to know the functionalities of a septic system and ensure that it is always maintained. Hiring a good septic tank cleaner will guarantee that the septic and sewer systems will not contribute to any pollution in the community.
Septic tanks have made a system that allows safe disposal of any wastewater. Septic tanks collect the wastewater excreted by households and contain them in a huge underground tank.
Septic System Structure
The septic tank systems functions consist of two main components. A classic septic system is comprised of a soil absorption field or drain field and a septic tank. A septic system has a watertight container that can be round or rectangular, made of plastic, concrete, or fiberglass.
The underground tank is linked by two pipes with one of the pipes working for the inlet functionality while the other is for the outlet. The pipe that is used for the inlet version collects wastewater from the septic tank. The water stays long enough for the solid and liquid matters on the waste get separated. The outlet pipe is for the drain field. The outlet pipe moves the pre-processed waste from the tank and evenly spreads it to the soil or other waterways.
Basically, the septic tank will digest the organic matter from the wastewater and separate it from the floating matter such as oil and grease. The effluent or discharged liquid is ejected by soil-based systems from the tank. The effluent travels to the pipes into chambers, leach field or other areas that are designed to slowly release the liquid to the soil.
Process of the Septic Tank Systems Functions
Once the wastewater is collected it stays for a while and breaks up in three layers. The top layer consists of oils and grease. These things float above the waste. The second layer is water and other waste particles. The bottom part is made up of heavier matter. The bacteria within the tank will break down the solid waste. The solid waste will decompose which allows the liquids to be separated and drained easily.
Septic Tanks Must Be Cleaned Regularly
A septic tank needs regular maintenance and cleaning. If a septic tank is not maintained, toxins will kill the important bacteria that help to break down solid wastes. Solid waste and sludge build-up in the tank and drain field pipes. This could cause failure in the septic system as the solid waste hinders the system, leading to overflowing into waterways. If the septic system fails, it can lead to waterborne diseases and a foul smell. This is more expensive than frequent maintenance of the septic tank systems. Hire a dependable septic tank cleaner to guarantee a job well done in cleaning the septic systems in your home.