Health Benefits Of Mango

A medium-sized mango could provide us with so many vitamins, mineral and antioxidant. Like most fruits, mango is usually low in protein and fat. Mango is also known for being rich in dietary fiber. It doesn’t contain bad cholesterol and in fact, can help to remove cholesterol in your other foods through the colon, thanks to the high level of fiber. Mango should be bursting with beta carotene, as well as impressive amount of magnesium and potassium. After a period of heavy activity, mango should become a perfect fruit for replenishing our energy level. We could also find vitamin B complex and vitamin C in mango, as well as iron, calcium and zinc. Mango is a fruit indigenous to region of South Asia and it has been cultivated for millennia. By ancient people, mango is praised for its energizing and balancing capabilities. Dried mango flowers have high level of tannin acid that can help to cure chronic urethritis and diarrhea. Mango kernel can be boiled and it could work as an anti-parasite agent.

Mango should help to improve the immune system and cleanse our body. Other than the fruit, dried leaves and seed; mango is also known for its benefits by using the blossoms, bark and roots. They also have medicinal and curative properties. They should be able to invigorate many parts of our body, including heart and brain tissue. You should prepare mango fruits in a proper way. First of all, you should wash the skin to remove any excess sap. It should be very easy to slice mango, because it’s very fibrous. So, removing the flesh from the seed should be very easy to do. Through special processing method, some amount of fat can be removed from the mango kernel. It appears solid and white, just like cocoa butter, which can be used as substitute for the cocoa butter. For meat-based dishes, mango juice can be used as the ingredient for sauce. The acidity could make the meat tender and improve the overall taste. Mango should be consumed especially before eating low-fiber dishes. It could become a filling appetizer, causing us to eat less and improving the overall digestion process.

Regardless of its immense benefit, you should be careful when handling mango. For some people, the sap of mango can become a strong skin irritant and it can be found around the stem of the fruit. It has delayed reaction effect, just like poison ivy; so you won’t feel it immediately. In order to remove the sap, more effectively you should immerse the mango in water for 30 minutes. Wear plastic gloves and clean the mango, especially around the stem area with running water. This precaution should be made, especially for hypersensitive people. In fact, some cattle could die when they graze on mango leaves.  Although leaves are useful; you should use them carefully and if possible, performed by people who have experience. Dry mango branches shouldn’t be used for firewood, because the smoke can be very irritating.

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